Yoga on the bridge and open water swim

This weekend is Eau Claire Summer Festival. One of the activities that they organized was "yoga on the bridge", which is free to anyone. This class was offered by Amy from Latitude Yoga because she wanted to promote her new studio in town. This studio will also have hot yoga (finally!!!). I'm so looking forward to try the hot yoga.

This is how it was set up. Because it's a foot bridge, we could lay our mats on one side of the bridge and people could still walk on the other side.

The class was at 11am so it was super hot and sunny. I had to close my eyes while doing poses on my back. 

Then, we strolled along Barstow street checking out the summerfest. There were many vendors from Eau Claire and Chippewa falls areas. After having lunch at the summerfest, I came home and took a nap before heading out to Lake Wissota to practice open water swimming. 

I heard that open water swimming can be dangerous especially when there are motor boats in the lake. So P. offered to kayak along my side while I swam. It was nice because we haven't took our kayaks out since the beginning of summer. Today, I swam 1 kilometers, which was almost double the distance that I have to do in the race (yay). Feel more confident in open water swimming. 


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