Regal Beagle 50K & Cooking class weekend

Wow. All I could say is that the past weekend was a pretty eventful weekend. On Saturday, I went out for a hike with friends (tapering for a 50K race on Sunday). It was good to catch up with my favorite people and get my mind off of work. Then, we visited Purple Skies Farm. A participant in our cooking class referred us to the lady who owns the farm and she invited us to visit the farm on Saturday. This pandemic year has been crazy for many of us including me and P. We had to cancel our trips and travel. But one good thing that happened to us during the pandemic was the #QuarantineCooking class that we started in April. The class has grown so much since we started. I was looking at the data last week and decided to create an infographic chart to summarize the statistics from our cooking class. It was fun to see the numbers (yes, we are nerds). We taught the cooking class on Saturday evening (it's now offered once a month) and had a lot of fun (as usual). Many new peopl...