Another 20 miler in the books! This time it's on trail :)

Because my FIRST marathon is at the end of this month, I was obliged to do another 20 miler. I wanted to run on the trail and, if possible, on the marathon course. My friend, S., has been involved with the race for quite a while and she agreed to lead me on the run.

Another friend who is also training for her first full at Run with scissors joined us for the 20 miler. We had fun and chatted along the way. 

By the time we reached Towpath, it was 10 miles. We were supposed to turn back but our race director appeared to run the full marathon at the Towpath marathon. So, we waited to cheer on him. 

After we saw R. passed Szalay's, we turned around and headed back to our car, which were parked at Ledges. Luckily the weather was nice and I had very good companies. 20 miles passed by really fast. We pretty much walked the last mile because we were all tired but it's OKAY to walk in trail running (that's why I love it!). 

I think I am ready for the Run with scissors marathon in 3 weeks. Just have to maintain my fitness and try to stay sane during the tapering time.



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