Another Candyass year at Bills' Badass 50K

After the double marathon at Run with Scissors, I spent most of my non-working moment thinking about the goals for 2018. What should I do? What should I focus on? It usually takes me a while to come up with a training routine. I like to plan my week ahead and know what I will be doing on each day for the rest of the week. Planning takes a good amount of time. As we are entering the end of the racing season, the focus should be on maintaining the level of fitness and working on the weaknesses.

I have decided that I am not going to do any triathlon race longer than the Olympic distance in 2018 (half and full Ironman can wait). I figured that Olympic distance training for a triathlon gives me time to focus on ultra marathons. I am not built to be a competitive athlete. As much as I would like to be faster and run longer, my most important goal is to stay injury-free. Next year, my goal is to focus on a couple of ultramarathons. This week I signed up for Mohican 50 in June and a marathon at the Akron marathon in September (the only road race in 2018). Mohican trail races will be HOT. This year many runners dropped because it was 95 degrees on the race day. People suffered from the heat and that's also the biggest monster for me. I also found that I had a pretty bad luck on the weather in many of 2017 races. The Canton Pro Football HOF was unusually hot (90F). So was the Akron marathon. Running in that weather slowed me down a lot. However, my marathon redemption finally succeeded at the Towpath marathon in Oct (still. The weather was warmer than the previous years).

After the big race, surprisingly it did not take me long to get back to the training/exercise routine. I went out the next day to sweep a section of the course (3-4 miles) and took 2 days off. Then, did a short/easy run on Thursday and a long run on Saturday. I felt perfectly fine.

Run with scissors weather was rainy and cold. Running 14 hours in that weather made me not want to do Bills' Badass this year. It was enough. So, I did not sign up for the race this year and decided to volunteer (do a fun run) instead.

There are so many good things to say about BBA50K. The laid-back atmosphere, the food, the volunteers, the race director and his team, they yelling, etc. I volunteered last year and was totally in awe of the running community in NE Ohio. This year tho it was raining the whole time and stream crossing was knee deep. I told myself I made the right decision not to run it this year. Badassery can wait...

On the race day, I showed up around 7.30am to cheer on runners. This year they told me they already had enough people volunteering at the race so I did not have to do anything. However, after the race started, the RD told me that R. and I had to mark the last mile (going up the Candy mountain to get the candy) and place the candy basket on top of the mountain. So we did.

After finished marking the trail, we came back and ran 1 loop before going to breakfast at Valley Cafe on Merriman rd. After breakfast, I came back and ran 2 more loops to cheer on the runners. Those people were real badasses to be out there and cross those streams. 

I hung around until about 4pm and came home to take a shower. It was another awesome race that I really like (even though I've never run it lol). Maybe I will run it next year (given that the weather is good). 


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