Monster Dash 10 miles - Costume race

Monster Dash race was advertised as the fast and fun race that you could get your PR because the course is flat and beautiful. I registered for the race early in August and only wanted to run 10 miles. I thought I would be too busy to train for the half marathon (13.1 miles). It turned out to be on the same day as Carson 5 & 10, the race organized by Indianhead track club. I spent about 2 months training for this race but my training was on and off because of a couple of injuries. This semester work had been crazy for me as well. Luckily, I started joining the ITC group runs, which made me commit to the long run on Saturdays. Monster Dash has 3 distances - 5K, 10 miles, and half marathon. This year it was the largest road race with approx. 18,000 people signed up for the race! It's on the halloween so people dressed up in costumes. The race also had prizes for winning costumes. This is my in my bumble bee costume that I got from Walmart the night before. Due to road...