Hot and humid long (run) weekend

What a fun long (run) weekend! It's time to get serious and train for the A race this year. On Saturday, a group of us went to down Mohican State Park to run the "short loop" of the Mohican 100. I forgot that it was also on the same day as the Medina Half Marathon (MHM) and I signed up to volunteer from 5 to 7:30am at the race. MHM is a club race and I wanted to support the race as much as I could. I blamed it on the ultramarathon training (and work) that I could only volunteer on Saturday morning. After volunteering, I drove to Mohican and met the rest of the group there. T. parked her car at the Covered Bridge so we could use her car as an aid station (CB is the halfway point of the course). The weather was nice at the beginning of the run and it got really hot and humid toward the end. After the run, I drove home and went to an Ethiopian dinner with P. On Sunday, there was a fat ass event put together by a local running group called "Trail Seekers" ...