Run with Scissors Trail Marathon

In my life, I never imagined I would run a marathon. NEVER. As a matter of fact, a year ago I was still skeptical of the marathon distance. Who would have time to train for a marathon? Not a tenure-track assistant professor for sure. Then, I began to run more and more. Started with a half marathon, 25K, and more half marathons. The idea of weekend long run is not an alien to me any more. 12-15 miles have become pretty normal. I would not get home until 11am or 12pm on Saturday when I go out for a long run. The mileage has increase and so does the running duration. After I finished the Muddy Paws 10 miles in July (3 weeks after I moved to OH), I wanted to do another trail race and was thinking between keeping at the half marathon or move up to a marathon. Talked to Stacie and she told me about the Run with Scissors marathon. I was not sure if I could do it as I just started my new job and was afraid that the training would be too demanding. After discussed with Steve and Jen (trail ...