2018 Autumn Leaves 5 miler - Good time with good friends

The first time I ran Autumn Leaves 5 miler was in 2016. I did not run it last year because I just finished the double marathon at Run with Scissors. This year I signed up with a couple of friends again. We also know the race director and wanted to give her the support.

The week leading to the race was kinda...blah... It was raining everyday for a week, which made everything so dull. I managed to get some run in everyday even though I did not feel like it. On Friday, I had a curriculum summit on campus in the morning and in the evening I ran with H. on her birthday run. She turned 40 this year and wanted to run 40 miles on her birthday (pretty cool, eh?). She invited a couple of friends to run with her during different sections and I ran 5 miles with her on the Bills' Badass loop.

Saturday there was a training run for Bills' Badass 50K. Many people showed up to the group run. We ran about 1.5 loops at BBA before some of us went to grab coffee at the coffee shop in Richfield. The course was extremely muddy and the stream crossing was high. I can't imagine how I would run the course 6 times. Ugh.

On Saturday night, we had a girls night out at D.'s. That was exactly what I needed. I needed a break from work and good time with friends.

Sunday morning we had Autumn Leave 5 miler. At first I did not know how I would do at the race. I told everyone that I might try to run fast if I felt like it. The weather was perfect, 40F and sunny. I felt really good and started to pass other people. The first mile was on gravel road around the farm so we were able to run fast. Then, we entered the grassy area of the farm and it was pretty muddy and wet. I slowed down a bit. Around Mile 3, I started running with another girl who was really positive and kept pushing me until the finish.

Overall, I ran faster than I expected (average pace was 8:45 min/mile). I can't remember when was the last time I ran a race under 9 min/mile, especially after I started running the ultra distance. I have to give credit to Tuesday track workout.

After the race, we came inside for post-race food and drinks. They had SO many kinds of soup and they were all delish! I chatted with friends and drank hot chocolate before heading home. Overall, I consider this weekend a good break from work. It was a break that I really needed before I go back to grading madness and end of semester crisis. 


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