Feel good to give back

One good thing about not training for any big race is my weekends are more flexible and I don't have to think about how many miles I have to cover on Saturday & Sunday (aka I don't "need" XX miles). As I wanted to slowly get back to running, I did not want to do any "crazy" long run on Saturday. Also, I missed the first Doan creek clean up this year because I ended up in the boot the day before. I decided to go to the 2nd Doan Creek clean up this weekend. It was great to see more than 30 people showed up to do something good to the community. Together we collected over a hundred bags of garbage in Rockefeller park in Cleveland. As I was picking up trash on the trail and on the street, I admit that I was mad at those irresponsible people that did not think about others in the society but themselves. We picked up a lot of beer cans, bottles, snack bags, clothes, fast food containers, etc. Cleaning up Doan Creek makes me want to be a better citizen and a ...