Rainbow run 5K + Lighthouse sprint triathlon
Saturday July 15 - Rainbow Run 5K My sister will be studying at the U of MO at Columbia for a semester. She had some time before the school starts so she came to stay with us for 10 days. I convinced her to sign up for a color run 5K because it's always my dream to run a race with my family. My sister is not a runner and hates all kinds of exercise lol but she thought the color run would be fun. So she agreed to run it with me. We ran and talked (mostly I talked) the whole time. We had a lot of fun. 5K seemed to short but for a non-runner that's already long enough. She complained that her legs were tired the next morning lol Sunday July 16 - Lake Metroparks Lighthouse Sprint Triathlon This week I'd been sick. I caught a cold on the flight back from Columbia, MO (stupid germs on the plane). I was still coughing on the race morning and was considering a DNS. I also had been traveling for the past couple of weeks and the training was not very consistent. Consid...