I skipped training today because...

it is our 3rd year anniversary! 

I can't believe how fast time flies but seems like we just got married yesterday. Although P. doesn't really agree with me because he felt like we'd been married for 38 years!?!?

Anyway, I'm now training for a triathlon in August and was supposed to do a 10 mile bike ride today (did not know what I was thinking when I created my training plan). Since it's our anniversary, I decided to skip the training. We then went to grab drinks at the Coffee Ground instead. Yeah, instead of burning calories, I put in about 1000 more!! We did not do much today because both of us were (emotionally) exhausted from work and other annoying incidents at work (urgh). I then realized that sometimes we don't need a "big plan" for our anniversary as long as we spent quality time together :) 

Ok. Must.be.back.on.track.tomorrow... 


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