2023 Ironman Mont Tremblant - Bad GI issue!!

I finished my 2nd Ironman race at Mont Tremblant (IMMT)! Pre-race report: The training this year was up and down. Since the beginning of the year, I have been really busy with work as I started and led a study abroad trip to Thailand in May. After the study abroad trip ended, I stayed in Thailand for 2 months because I got a visiting professor appointment at a university in Thailand. While in Thailand, I tried to do as much as I could to keep up with the training. I brought my old bike to Thailand in order to keep training for the IM in August. The weather in Bangkok was really really hot (90F+) so I told myself it was good for heat training. The problem is I could not simulate the race terrain in Bangkok as it's very flat and riding on the road in Bangkok is very dangerous (many cyclists died from getting hit by motorcycles, trucks, or cars). There is a bike circuit around the airport in Bangkok and that's where I did all my bike training but it's still very flat. Luckily...