Back to racing? First race update in 9 months (3rd AG)

I cannot believe that the last time I updated this blog was after Regal Beagle 50K in November 2020. Has it really been 9 months? Oh well, I forgot to write a blog about Outrun 24 race in May. I showed up at the race with a goal of just to finish a 50K because I wanted to save my legs and energy for the Olympic tri race at Deer Creek. At O24, I ran 35 miles and went home. Then, I got sick a week before Deer Creek and did not go to the race :(I was very disappointed as I was training pretty well and felt like I was "ready". Then, we took off on a 2-week vacation in the Galapagos Islands and Ecuador and I felt like my training went backward a little (with minimal running, biking, and swimming during the two weeks). However, the vacation was something that P. and I really needed after more than a year of staying at home and no traveling. After coming back from vacation, I saw someone posted in the Cleveland Tri Club Facebook group about the Spring Classic Sprint Tri...