Volunteering weekend, sickness, and COVID test

I would say July caught me off guard and I feel like I was hit by a high-speed train. My body is still intact but mental health is somewhat destroyed. Every day there is always new information, new details, new rumor, new communication, new direction, new policies, new politics, etc. I woke up everyday and felt like I wanted to throw up. Everything is so confusing that I had to take a step back to look at the overall picture and re-assess the situation. All I know is there are only minimal things I can control and I'm not going to worry about what I cannot control. Back to #life updates. The Canal Corridor 100 race weekend was a success. It was the first 100-mile race in god-knows-how-many months since the beginning of the pandemic. The race had good social distancing and volunteering policies. The good thing about the CC100 is that it's very small (less than 100 runners) and everyone followed the rules. I had a great time biking the course to cheer on runners and volunteeri...