2019 Mohican 100 weekend - pacing experience

I am now qualified as a "professional pacer". Mohican 100 this year was different from last year. I did not sign up to run any distance at the race because I was going to pace R. who was going for his 20th buckle. Yes, one month after running Massanutten 100. It was crazy and I was already tired just thinking about it. It has also become a tradition that I would go to Mohican on Friday to help mark the trails. We met a Mellor's (like we always do) for breakfast and marking plan. This year many people showed up to help on Thursday so they got the majority of the marking done. The only section that was left to be marked was the section from the Fire Tower aid station to the Covered Bridge aid station. Because it was only 2.6 miles, T., D. and I went out together to mark the trail. We had a good time and it's always good to spend time with these ladies. Then, we marked some more trails after lunch and went to the pre-race meeting where I saw old and new friends. The ...