Polar vortex depression and unintentional rest day

*Warning: Depressing content alert. Please skip to the next blog if you want to.* This blog is not about a race or any of my workout, ultramarathon, or triathlon accomplishment. It's more about my current mental health and (no) workout motivation. Since getting back from Thailand, I've been sluggish and had no motivation to do anything. It might be because of the weather (?). The sudden change in the temperature from 90F to 20F hit me pretty hard. I had to catch up on a lot of things that I intentionally put off while I was on the vacation and constantly feel like I'm trying NOT to drown. Luckily, I still have my Saturday group runs to motivate me to get out. Two weekends ago we had a snowmageddon in NE Ohio, which trapped us in the house for 3 days. This week (yesterday and today) we have Polar Vortex, which makes the temperature drop really low (-31F with wind chill) and schools had to cancel classes (including my university). I should take it as an opportunity to wor...