CLE Trail 50K - Why did I think it was flat???

Last week was very emotional in our family. Our dog, Tofu, who was 15 years old hadn't been drinking nor eating for a couple of days and she seemed "different" from her normal self. I decided to take her to the vet on Tuesday and we found out from her blood work that her kidney was failing. On Wednesday, the vet called and told me that she might only have 10 days or so left according to her blood results. We were heartbroken. We had 2 options 1) treat her with fluid right away, which might have prolonged her health for a couple of months to a year but we had to give her fluid daily with needle injection, etc. 2) put her to sleep. We researched the first option and talked to the vet. He said fluid treatment might also come with other complications such as high blood pressure, etc., which could result in more medication and pain. We went with the 2nd option and decided to spend as much time with her as possible. Tofu crossed Rainbow Bridge on Friday May 11 morning at 10.30a...