Forget the PR 50K - great race, challenging course

Yesterday I finished another 50K race. It's the Forget the PR 50K, which I signed up last year. I heard good things about the race and many of my friends have been running it since its inauguration. Last week when work got crazy and stressful (April and November are the worst months of the year for teachers) I had some thought about quitting ultramarathons and just sticking to the marathon or shorter races. Training for an ultra is time consuming and requires a certain level of commitment even when you just want to finish. Then, a couple of friends in academia told me that I inspired them to keep moving and reminded them of a work-life balance. The comments made me feel better and reminded me why I chose this kind of lifestyle. On the race day, I woke up at 4am to leave for Mohican. I got there a little bit before 7, picked up my packet, and chatted with friends. The weather was nice (50F) but we expected some rain in the afternoon. My goal for the race was 1) not to die 2) to ...