2018 Buzzard Day Trail Race 25K - Not as muddy as it should be

I just realized that the last time I updated this blog was after Thailand International Half Marathon!! Well, that's not totally true. I started another blog post after my birthday race (10K) in Bangkok but did not get a chance to finish it. It's been a busy semester and I felt like I had no time to take a break from work deadlines, running, and other life commitments since I came back to the US. After new year, R. started to run in Hinckley on the Buzzard Day course. I joined him and others on the Saturday after I came back from Thailand. The weather was UGLY on that day and I went from running in a 85F, humid park in Bangkok to -10F with a blizzard in just 6 days. I started my A race training plan a couple of weeks after I came back from Thailand but was able to loosely follow the plan since life got in the way (too many work deadlines and responsibilities). January and February flew by in the blink of an eye. At one point, I felt like I only had 2 things in life - workin...