Sissy run at Run with Scissors
This will be a short blog because I had nothing much to update since the last Akron marathon post in terms of running/triathlon. October was crazily busy (as always) and I tried my best to keep my head above water (barely). There were so many things going on at work that I could barely keep up. That said I was not running/biking/swimming much in October. Also, I was exhausted all the time and did not have much energy. The weekend before the race I went to run on Loop the Lake course with friends. Despite the slow pace (12 min/mile), my HR was up to 170-180 bpm and I started to wonder what was wrong with my body. The week leading up to the race was packed with events, teaching, meetings, and other activities and I did not really have time to rest much. After talking to my coach, I decided to drop from the marathon to the half marathon at Run with Scissors because I wanted to give my body a break. Race morning - It was raining when I woke up. I also slept through the ala...