Post-triathlon week. The week of 50 miles run.

The post-triathlon week was supposed to be my "recovery week". Turned out that I ended up logging in 50 running miles, which was the highest mileage for me in a very long time. Monday - I went to a 75-minute yoga class because my muscles were very tight from the race and I needed to stretch them somehow. The class was cool because it was the eclipse day so the teacher made us do Moon salutation instead of a typical Surya Namaskar A & B (Sun salutation) like what we usually do in other flow classes. I really liked the flow that we did because it's not too "heavy" for my tired legs and arms. I also took a pic of my calf on Monday because it still had the tri number on. Body marking is one thing that makes me feel like a triathlete :) Took Tuesday off - completely off. Although the yoga class helped my body relax, I knew I had to have a day that I REALLY DO NOTHING. Scheduled a run with a friend in the morning but ended up postponing it because I wante...